Friday, 18 October 2013

Evaluation of the Preliminary Task

Our main task was to include these shots in our piece: Match on action, the 180 degree rule, continuity editing and shot/reverse shot.
Match-on-action is an example of continuity editing, and this is clearly seen in our Preliminary Task,  when the camera films Natalia, walking towards the door, then her entering the room on the other side this is a perfect example of match on action.

We included the 180 degree rule which was to make sure that the two people should have the same left/right relationship no matter what. The shot/reverse shot rule is that everything must be the exact same as you shoot the conversation. In our task both of these where met as the people where always in the right position in the shot and there seemed to be no mistakes and any changes in between shots this is shown as when Natalia ( girl ) and Andre ( boyfriend ) have a little conversation the two shots are at different angles but do not break either of the rules.

Continuity editing was shown in the preliminary task  mainly when the others were singing Happy Birthday. Shanae edited the two shots we took of the students and put the audio together from two separate shots and there was no problem.

We came across a few problems one of which was down to the camera work I had by accident included the other camera in the shot so Shanae as our editor had to crop the video so that the camera wasn’t in it. I learned a valuable lesson that I will learn from, next time I will be more careful in the filming and pay attention to detail. I also learned about the editing and how to crop a video.

Also, I was talking to my group and if we had added a script we would avoid certain mistakes such as the students not knowing the name of the girl whose birthday it is. I believe it would have been a lot better if we had organised everything a lot earlier with the rest of the cast and had all the wording more scripted so there would be no mistakes like that. Also, I see we could of include something in props to highlight the birthday more perhaps a cake with candles or something to highlight that it is her birthday. The main thing that I have learned from this is pre preparing is very important to ensure you have a strong and concise filming which would make the editing easier and more enjoyable because there a less mistakes to edit out and more fun to be had with the effects and transitions.

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